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How To Create a AWS S3 Bucket Using AWS CLI

How To Create a AWS S3 Bucket Using AWS CLI


In this post, I will show you how to create a AWS S3 bucket using AWS CLI.


You need to have:

  • AWS CLI installed and configured
  • AWS S3 bucket name

AWS S3 Bucket

Step 1: Create AWS S3 Bucket

To create a AWS S3 bucket, run the following command:

Terminal window
aws s3 mb s3://<BUCKET_NAME>


  • aws s3 mb - Create a bucket
  • s3://<BUCKET_NAME> - Bucket name

Note: The bucket name must be unique across all existing bucket names in Amazon S3.

Note: You can use the --region option to specify the region where the bucket will be created.

Note: You can use the --acl option to specify the access control list (ACL) for the bucket.

Note: You can use the --create-bucket-configuration option to specify the bucket configuration.

Note: You can use the --grants option to specify the grantee and permission for each grantee.

Step 2: List AWS S3 Buckets

To list all AWS S3 buckets, run the following command:

Terminal window
aws s3 ls


  • aws s3 ls - List all buckets

Step 3: Upload File to AWS S3 Bucket

To upload a file to AWS S3 bucket, run the following command:

Terminal window
aws s3 cp <FILE_PATH> s3://<BUCKET_NAME>


  • aws s3 cp - Copy an object
  • <FILE_PATH> - File path in your local machine
  • s3://<BUCKET_NAME> - Bucket name where the file will be uploaded

Step 4: Download File from AWS S3 Bucket

To download a file from AWS S3 bucket, run the following command:

Terminal window
aws s3 cp s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<FILE_NAME> <FILE_PATH>


  • aws s3 cp - Copy an object
  • s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<FILE_NAME> - Bucket name and file name where the file will be downloaded from
  • <FILE_PATH> - File path in your local machine

Step 5: Sync Local Directory with AWS S3 Bucket

To sync a local directory with AWS S3 bucket, run the following command:

Terminal window


  • aws s3 sync - Sync a local directory with a S3 bucket
  • <LOCAL_DIRECTORY_PATH> - Local directory path in your local machine
  • s3://<BUCKET_NAME> - Bucket name where the local directory will be synced with

Step 6: Sync AWS S3 Bucket with Local Directory

To sync a AWS S3 bucket with local directory, run the following command:

Terminal window


  • aws s3 sync - Sync a S3 bucket with a local directory
  • s3://<BUCKET_NAME> - Bucket name where the local directory will be synced with
  • <LOCAL_DIRECTORY_PATH> - Local directory path in your local machine

Step 7: List Files in AWS S3 Bucket

To list all files in a AWS S3 bucket, run the following command:

Terminal window
aws s3 ls s3://<BUCKET_NAME>


  • aws s3 ls - List all objects in a bucket
  • s3://<BUCKET_NAME> - Bucket name

Step 8: Move File in AWS S3 Bucket

To move a file in a AWS S3 bucket, run the following command:

Terminal window


  • aws s3 mv - Move an object
  • s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<FILE_NAME> - Bucket name and file name where the file will be moved from
  • s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<NEW_FILE_NAME> - Bucket name and new file name where the file will be moved to

Step 9: Presign URL for AWS S3 Bucket

To presign a URL for a AWS S3 bucket, run the following command:

Terminal window
aws s3 presign s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<FILE_NAME>


  • aws s3 presign - Generate a presigned URL for an Amazon S3 object or a bucket
  • s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<FILE_NAME> - Bucket name and file name where the file will be presigned

Note: You can use the --expires-in option to specify the number of seconds before the presigned URL expires.

Note: You can use the --region option to specify the region where the bucket is located.

Note: You can use the --signature-version option to specify the signature version to use when signing the URL.

Note: You can use the --version-id option to specify the version ID of the object that the presigned URL will be used to access.

Step 10: Delete File from AWS S3 Bucket

To delete a file from a AWS S3 bucket, run the following command:

Terminal window
aws s3 rm s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<FILE_NAME>


  • aws s3 rm - Remove an object
  • s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<FILE_NAME> - Bucket name and file name where the file will be deleted from

Step 11: Delete AWS S3 Bucket

To delete a AWS S3 bucket, run the following command:

Terminal window
aws s3 rb s3://<BUCKET_NAME>


  • aws s3 rb - Remove a bucket
  • s3://<BUCKET_NAME> - Bucket name

Note: You can use the --force option to delete a non-empty bucket.

Note: You can use the --region option to specify the region where the bucket is located.

Note: You can use the --versioning option to delete all objects (including all object versions and delete markers) in the bucket.

Step 12: Static Website Hosting

To host a static website on AWS S3 bucket, run the following command:

Terminal window
aws s3 website s3://<BUCKET_NAME> --index-document <INDEX_DOCUMENT> --error-document <ERROR_DOCUMENT>


  • aws s3 website - Set the configuration of a bucket for website hosting
  • s3://<BUCKET_NAME> - Bucket name
  • --index-document - The name of the index document (for example, index.html)
  • --error-document - The name of the error document (for example, error.html)

Note: You can use the --region option to specify the region where the bucket is located.

Note: You can use the --website-configuration option to specify the website configuration.

Note: You can use the --remove option to remove the website configuration.


In this tutorial, you learned how to use the AWS CLI to manage AWS S3 buckets. You also learned how to upload, download, sync, list, move, presign, and delete files in AWS S3 buckets.


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