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The ORM Dilemma: To Use or Not to Use

The ORM Dilemma: To Use or Not to Use

Introduction In the world of software engineering, seasoned professionals are often confronted with pivotal decisions that wield substantial influence over the course and outcome of a project. Am

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Software Engineering Principles Every Developer Should Know

Software Engineering Principles Every Developer Should Know

In the dynamic world of software development, certain principles stand the test of time, guiding developers towards creating robust, maintainable, and efficient code. Let's delve into these principle

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How to Avoid Over-Engineering Your Code?

How to Avoid Over-Engineering Your Code?

In software development, over-engineering is a typical mistake that can result in more complexity, longer development periods, and superfluous functionality. This blog article discusses how to avoid

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Why You Should Not Use Else Statements in Your Code

Why You Should Not Use Else Statements in Your Code

In software engineering, how you structure your code can significantly impact its readability, maintainability, and overall quality. One often-debated topic is the use of else statements. While they

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