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Blog Posts

How To Connect A EBS Volume To An Windows EC2 Instance Using Powershell/GUI

How To Connect A EBS Volume To An Windows EC2 Instance Using Powershell/GUI

Introduction In this post, we will learn how to connect a EBS volume to an Windows EC2 instance using Powershell/GUI and also how to mount the EBS volume to the EC2 instance. Prerequisites -

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How To Connect A Two EC2 Instances Database and Files Transfer Using AWS CLI

How To Connect A Two EC2 Instances Database and Files Transfer Using AWS CLI

Introduction In this post, I will show you how to connect a two EC2 instances database and files transfer using AWS CLI. I will use AWS CLI to create a VPC, EC2 instances, EBS, EFS, and security g

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How Version Number Software Works

How Version Number Software Works

Introduction Introducing new package versions in systems with a lot of dependencies may rapidly turn into a headache. You run the risk of experiencing version lock if the dependency specifications

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How To Connect A Two EC2 Instances Data Transfer Using AWS CLI Without AWS EFS

How To Connect A Two EC2 Instances Data Transfer Using AWS CLI Without AWS EFS

Introduction In this post, I will show you how to connect a two EC2 instances data transfer using AWS CLI without AWS EFS. We will use AWS S3 bucket to transfer data between two EC2 instances. We

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How To Create a AWS S3 Bucket Using AWS CLI

How To Create a AWS S3 Bucket Using AWS CLI

Introduction In this post, I will show you how to create a AWS S3 bucket using AWS CLI. Prerequisites You need to have:AWS CLI installed and configured AWS S3 bucket nameAWS S3 Buc

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How To Create a DynamoDB Table Using AWS CLI

How To Create a DynamoDB Table Using AWS CLI

Introduction In this article, we will learn how to create a DynamoDB table using AWS CLI. We will also learn how to add items to the table and how to query the table. Prerequisites To follow

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