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How To Create An AWS EC2 Instance Using AWS CLI

How To Create An AWS EC2 Instance Using AWS CLI

Introduction We will learn how to create an AWS EC2 instance using AWS CLI in this tutorial. We will also discover how to set up an AWS EC2 instance so that it functions with the Apache web serve

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How to Run an Apache Web Server Using Docker on an AWS EC2 Instance

How to Run an Apache Web Server Using Docker on an AWS EC2 Instance

Introduction In this post, we will learn how to run an Apache web server using Docker on an AWS EC2 instance. We will use the following tools:AWS EC2 [Docker]

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How to Install and Configure Node.js on EC2 Instance Amazon Linux 2

How to Install and Configure Node.js on EC2 Instance Amazon Linux 2

Introduction Node.js does not exist in the default Amazon Linux 2 repository. So, we need to add the Node.js repository to the system. In this post, we will learn how to install and configure Nod

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How To Connect A Two EC2 Instances Data Transfer Using AWS CLI Without AWS EFS

How To Connect A Two EC2 Instances Data Transfer Using AWS CLI Without AWS EFS

Introduction In this post, I will show you how to connect a two EC2 instances data transfer using AWS CLI without AWS EFS. We will use AWS S3 bucket to transfer data between two EC2 instances. W

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How To Connect A Two EC2 Instances Database and Files Transfer Using AWS CLI

How To Connect A Two EC2 Instances Database and Files Transfer Using AWS CLI

Introduction In this post, I will show you how to connect a two EC2 instances database and files transfer using AWS CLI. I will use AWS CLI to create a VPC, EC2 instances, EBS, EFS, and security

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How To Connect A EBS Volume To An Windows EC2 Instance Using Powershell/GUI

How To Connect A EBS Volume To An Windows EC2 Instance Using Powershell/GUI

Introduction In this post, we will learn how to connect a EBS volume to an Windows EC2 instance using Powershell/GUI and also how to mount the EBS volume to the EC2 instance. Prerequisites

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How to Install Jenkins on AWS EC2 Instance

How to Install Jenkins on AWS EC2 Instance

Introduction In this post, I will show you how to Create an EC2 Instance on AWS and install Jenkins on it. PrerequisitesAWS CLI installed and configured IAM user with the following perm

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How to CI/CD AWS With Github using Jenkins

How to CI/CD AWS With Github using Jenkins

Introduction In previous posts, I have shown you how to setup Jenkins on AWS EC2 instance. You can check the post here. In this post, I will sho

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How to Setup Jenkins on AWS Using CloudFormation

How to Setup Jenkins on AWS Using CloudFormation

Introduction In a previous blog post, we setup Jenkins on AWS using the AWS CLI (How to Install Jenkins on AWS EC2 Instance). In this blog

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How To Setup Bastion Host on AWS using AWS CLI

How To Setup Bastion Host on AWS using AWS CLI

Introduction In today's world, security is the top priority for any infrastructure and applications, that's why a Bastion host is a must-have in your infrastructure if you want to secure your rem

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How To Setup Bastion Host on AWS using CloudFormation Template

How To Setup Bastion Host on AWS using CloudFormation Template

Introduction In previous post How To Setup Bastion Host on AWS using CloudFormation Template, we will learn how to setup a Bastion hos

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