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What is a CI/CD?

What is a CI/CD?

Introduction Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery are two of the most important concepts in DevOps. In this article, we will discuss what is a CI/CD and how it can help you to improve y

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How Version Number Software Works

How Version Number Software Works

Introduction Introducing new package versions in systems with a lot of dependencies may rapidly turn into a headache. You run the risk of experiencing version lock if the dependency specification

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What is DevOps?

What is DevOps?

What is DevOps, and why is it important? The name "DevOps" is a combination of the terms "development" and "operations," although it refers to a far broader range of principles and procedures tha

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How to Install Jenkins on AWS EC2 Instance

How to Install Jenkins on AWS EC2 Instance

Introduction In this post, I will show you how to Create an EC2 Instance on AWS and install Jenkins on it. PrerequisitesAWS CLI installed and configured IAM user with the following perm

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How to CI/CD AWS With Github using Jenkins

How to CI/CD AWS With Github using Jenkins

Introduction In previous posts, I have shown you how to setup Jenkins on AWS EC2 instance. You can check the post here. In this post, I will sho

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How to Setup Jenkins on AWS Using CloudFormation

How to Setup Jenkins on AWS Using CloudFormation

Introduction In a previous blog post, we setup Jenkins on AWS using the AWS CLI (How to Install Jenkins on AWS EC2 Instance). In this blog

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How To Setup Bastion Host on AWS using AWS CLI

How To Setup Bastion Host on AWS using AWS CLI

Introduction In today's world, security is the top priority for any infrastructure and applications, that's why a Bastion host is a must-have in your infrastructure if you want to secure your rem

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How To Setup Bastion Host on AWS using CloudFormation Template

How To Setup Bastion Host on AWS using CloudFormation Template

Introduction In previous post How To Setup Bastion Host on AWS using CloudFormation Template, we will learn how to setup a Bastion hos

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How to Deploy a Spring Boot Application to AWS CloudFormation

How to Deploy a Spring Boot Application to AWS CloudFormation

Introduction Deploying a Spring Boot application to the cloud can provide many benefits such as scalability and easy management. AWS CloudFormation is a service that allows for the creation and m

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How to Avoid Common Cloud Services Mistakes

How to Avoid Common Cloud Services Mistakes

Introduction By offering scalable, on-demand resources and services, cloud services have completely changed the way organizations operate. Implementing cloud services, however, can provide its ow

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How To Install Docker On Linux In 4 Easy Steps!

How To Install Docker On Linux In 4 Easy Steps!

Introduction Docker is a powerful platform that allows developers to create, deploy, and run applications in containers. Containers are isolated environments that allow you to run your applicatio

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How To Run MySQL in a Docker Container: A Step-by-Step Guide with Customization Tips

How To Run MySQL in a Docker Container: A Step-by-Step Guide with Customization Tips

Introduction Docker has revolutionized the way we run and manage applications by making it easy to package, deploy, and run applications in containers. Containers allow applications to run in a c

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Get Started with Building ReactJS and Docker: A Complete Guide

Get Started with Building ReactJS and Docker: A Complete Guide

Introduction Docker is a powerful tool that allows developers to create, deploy, and run applications in a portable and scalable way. It uses containerization to encapsulate all the dependencies

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Mastering AWS Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide to the Well-Architected Framework

Mastering AWS Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide to the Well-Architected Framework

TL;DR AWS Well-Architected Framework is a collection of best practices for creating and running systems on AWS that are dependable, secure, effective, economical, and long-lasting. The framework

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Mastering Infrastructure Automation: Harnessing the Power of IaC in a Cloud Native AWS Environment

Mastering Infrastructure Automation: Harnessing the Power of IaC in a Cloud Native AWS Environment

Introduction Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts! Welcome to another exciting adventure in the world of infrastructure automation. Today, we're diving deep into the powerful realm of Infrastructur

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Understanding Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Unleashing the Magic of Code-Driven Infrastructure Management

Understanding Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Unleashing the Magic of Code-Driven Infrastructure Management

Introduction In the realm of modern technology, infrastructure management has undergone a revolutionary transformation with the emergence of Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Imagine having the power

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Unleashing the Power of Cloud Native Infrastructure on AWS: Building Castles in the Sky

Unleashing the Power of Cloud Native Infrastructure on AWS: Building Castles in the Sky

Introduction In the realm of cloud computing, Cloud Native Infrastructure stands tall as a modern sorcery, empowering developers to design and deploy applications tailored explicitly for the clou

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Leveraging AWS CloudFormation for Infrastructure as Code (IaC): The Mighty Sword of Automation

Leveraging AWS CloudFormation for Infrastructure as Code (IaC): The Mighty Sword of Automation

Introduction In the realm of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), AWS CloudFormation emerges as a powerful tool, akin to a mighty sword in your infrastructure automation arsenal. With CloudFormation, yo

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Simplifying Application Deployment with AWS SAM: Unleashing the Power of Serverless Magic

Simplifying Application Deployment with AWS SAM: Unleashing the Power of Serverless Magic

Introduction: When it comes to deploying serverless applications, AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) emerges as your trusty sidekick, simplifying the process and harnessing the full power of

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Orchestrating Infrastructure with Terraform: Unleashing the Magic of Infrastructure Provisioning

Orchestrating Infrastructure with Terraform: Unleashing the Magic of Infrastructure Provisioning

Introduction: In the realm of infrastructure orchestration, Terraform emerges as a versatile sorcerer's apprentice, allowing you to create and manage your infrastructure across multiple cloud pro

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Unleashing the Magic: Best Practices for Infrastructure Automation in a Cloud Native AWS Environment

Unleashing the Magic: Best Practices for Infrastructure Automation in a Cloud Native AWS Environment

Introduction: In the realm of Cloud Native AWS environments, mastering infrastructure automation is essential to unlock the full potential of your magical kingdom. From security spells to optimiz

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Scaling Up, Staying Strong: Hands-On AWS CloudFormation Techniques for Building Resilient and Scalable Systems

Scaling Up, Staying Strong: Hands-On AWS CloudFormation Techniques for Building Resilient and Scalable Systems

Introduction: In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, building resilient and scalable systems is crucial for businesses to meet growing demands and maintain high availability. Cloud native

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Becoming an AWS Pro: A Deep Dive into Amazon Elastic Container Service

Becoming an AWS Pro: A Deep Dive into Amazon Elastic Container Service

Introduction Are you a passionate AWS Cloud Engineer DevOps enthusiast, looking to sharpen your container orchestration skills and level up your cloud infrastructure management game? Amazon Elast

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When to Use Serverless?

When to Use Serverless?

As a DevOps engineer working with AWS, understanding when to use serverless architecture can be a game-changer for your projects. Serverless computing offers numerous benefits, but it's essential to

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